Kasutaja:Tiuks/Infobox Country

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Eesti Vabariik
Republic of Estonia
AnthemMu isamaa, mu õnn ja rõõm
(English: "My Fatherland, My Happiness and Joy")
Location of Estonia
(and largest city)
Mall:Coor dm
Official languages eesti1
Demonym Estonian
Government Parliamentary republic
 -  President Toomas Hendrik Ilves
 -  Prime Minister Andrus Ansip (RE)
Independence from Russia and Germany 
 -  Autonomy declared 12 April 1917 
 -  Independence declared
Officially recognised
24 February 1918
2 February 1920 
 -  1st Soviet occupation 1940-1941 
 -  German occupation 1941-1944 
 -  2nd Soviet occupation 1944-1991 
 -  Independence restored 20 August 1991 
EU accession May 1, 2004
 -  Water (%) 4.56%
 -  Jan. 01, 2007 estimate 1,340,602[1] (151th)
 -  2000 census 1,376,743 
 -  Density 29/km² (173rd)
75/sq mi
GDP (PPP) 2008 estimate
 -  Total $26.85 billion (106th)
 -  Per capita $21,800[2] 
GDP (nominal) 2006 estimate
 -  Total $16,410 billion (91st)
 -  Per capita $15,310 (41st)
Gini (2005) 34 (medium
HDI (2007)   0.86 (high) (38th)
Currency Eesti kroon (EEK)
Time zone EET (UTC+2)
 -  Summer (DST) EEST (UTC+3)
Internet TLD .ee3
Calling code +372
1 Võro and Seto in southern counties are spoken along with Estonian. Russian is widely spoken in Ida-Virumaa due to the Soviet program promoting mass immigration of urban industrial workers from USSR during the occupation.
2 47,549 km² were defined according to the Tartu Peace Treaty in 1920 between Estonia and Russia. Today the remaining 2,323 km² is still illegally annexed by Russia.
The ceded areas include the Petserimaa county and the boundary in the north of Lake Peipus as the Lands behind the city of Narva including Ivangorod (Jaanilinn).[3],[4]
3 .eu is also shared with other member states of the European Union.


Eesti Vabariik
Riigihümn Mu isamaa, mu õnn ja rõõm
Pealinn Tallinn
Pindala 45 226 km²
Riigikeel eesti
Rahvaarv 1 340 600 (2008)
Rahvastikutihedus 29,6 in/km²
Riigikord parlamentaarne vabariik
President Toomas Hendrik Ilves
Peaminister Andrus Ansip
Iseseisvus 24. veebruar 1918
SKT 24,494 miljardit USD
SKT elaniku kohta 21 860 USD
Rahaühik eesti kroon (EEK)
Usund Luterlus ja õigeusk
Ajavöönd Ida-Euroopa aeg
Tippdomeen .ee
ROK-i kood EST
Telefonikood 372