Thomas Baldwin
Suurbritannia filosoof
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Thomas R. Baldwin (sündinud 1947) on Briti filosoof.
Ta sai magistri- ja doktorikraadi Cambridge'i Ülikoolist.
Ta on Yorki Ülikooli professor.
Alates 2005. aastast on ta ajakirja Mind toimetaja.
Ta on olnud Aristotelian Society president (2006–2007) ja Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority aseesimees.
muudaTema peamised uurimisvaldkonnad on olnud 20. sajandi filosoofia ajalugu, eriti George Edward Moore, Bertrand Russell ja Maurice Merleau-Ponty, keelefilosoofia, vaimufilosoofia ja bioeetika.
Artiklis "There might be nothing" (1996) esitas ta metafüüsilise nihilismi teesi (on võimalik tühi maailm), põhjendades seda lahutamisargumendiga.
muuda- (toim, sissejuhatus). George Edward Moore. Principia Ethica, Cambridge University Press: 1993. Google'i raamat
- There might be nothing. – Analysis, 56, 1996, lk 231–238.
- Two approaches to Sartre. – European Journal of Philosophy, kd 4, nr 1, 1996, lk 81–92.
- Contemporary Philosophy: Philosophy in English since 1945, Oxford University Press: Oxford 2001.
- On Considering a Possible world as Actual. – Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume LXXV, 2001, lk 157–174. Resümee
- Kantian Modality. – Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume LXXVI, 2002, lk 1–24.
- The Three Phases of Intuitionism. – P. Stratton-Lake (toim). Ethical Intuitionism: Re-evaluations, Oxford: Clarendon Press 2002, lk 92–112.
- (toim). The Cambridge History of Philosophy 1870-1945, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2003. Google'i raamat. Sisukord ja näidispeatükk (PDF)
- Philosophy and the First World War.
- (toim). Maurice Merleau-Ponty: Basic Writings, London: Routledge 2003. Google'i raamat
- Perception and Agency. – N. Eilan, J. Roessler (toim) Agency and Self-Awareness. Oxford: Clarendon 2003, lk 188–200.
- The Indefinability of Good. – The Journal of Value Inquiry, 37, 2003, lk 313–328.
- Keynes and ethics. – The Cambridge Companion to Keynes, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge 2006, lk 237–256.
- Thomas Baldwin, Timothy John Smiley (toim). Studies in the philosophy of logic and knowledge, Oxford University Press 2004. Google Books
- Two types of naturalism, lk 113–130.
- Moore's rejection of ethical naturalism. – Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale, 3, 2006, 291–311.
- Philosophy of Language in the Twentieth Century. – Ernest Lepore, Barry X. Smith (toim). Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Language, Oxford University Press: Oxford 2006, lk 60–99.
- (toim). Reading Merleau-Ponty, London: Routledge 2007.
- Speaking and Spoken Speech, lk 87–103.
- The Normative Character of Belief. – M. Green, J. N. Williams (toim). Moore's Paradox, Oxford University Press: Oxford 2007, lk 76–89.
- Ethics and Patents for Genetic Diagnostic Tests. – G. van Overwalle (toim). Gene Patents and Public Health, Etablissements Emile Bruylant: Brüssel 2007, lk 45–60.
- C. I. Lewis: pragmatism and analysis. – M. Beaney (toim). The Analytic Turn, Routledge: London 2007, lk 178–195.
- Causation, Perception and Reference. – Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, CVII, 2007, lk 1–26.
- Presence, Truth and Authenticity. – S. Glendinning, R. Eaglestone (toim). Derrida's Legacies, Routledge: London 2008, lk 107–117.
- Rawls and Moral Psychology. – R. Shafer-Landau (toim). Oxford Studies in Metaethics 3, Oxford University Press: Oxford 2008, lk 247–270.