Timothy Ingold (sündinud 1. novembril 1948) on šoti antropoloog.

Tim Ingold
Sünniaeg 1. november 1948 (75-aastane)
Amet antropoloog, sotsiaalantropoloog

Ta töötab Aberdeeni Ülikoolis.

Tema kasutusele võetud on mõiste taskscape – ülesannete maastik.

Alates 1998. aasta mais toimunud konverentsist "Uses of Nature – towards an Anthropology of Environment" on ta korduvalt külastanud Eestit seoses teadusüritustega.


  • Hunters, pastoralists and ranchers: reindeer economies and their transformations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1980.
  • The architect and the bee: reflections on the work of animals and men. Man (N.S.), 1983, 18: 1–20.
  • The appropriation of nature: essays on human ecology and social relations. Manchester: Manchester University Press 1986.
  • Evolution and social life. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986
  • T. Ingold, D. Riches, J. Woodburn (toim). Hunters and gatherers I: history, evolution and social change, Oxford: Berg 1988.
    • Notes on the foraging mode of production.
  • T. Ingold (toim). What is an animal?, London: Unwin Hyman 1988.
    • Introduction.
    • The animal in the study of humanity.
  • The social and environmental relations of human beings and other animals. V. Standen, R. A. Foley (toim). Comparative socioecology, Oxford: Blackwell Scientific 1989.
  • An anthropologist looks at biology. Man, 1990, (N.S.) 25: 208–229.
  • 2000. The Perception of the Environment: Essays on livelihood, dwelling and skill. London: Routledge.
  • 2007. Lines: a brief history. London: Routledge.
  • 2011. Being Alive: Essays on Movement, Knowledge and Description. London: Routledge.