Peter Ackroyd
briti kirjanik
Peter Ackroyd (sündinud 5. oktoobril 1949 Suurbritannias Middlesexis East Actonis) on inglise romaanikirjanik, biograaf ja kirjanduskriitik. Suur osa tema teostest keskendub Londoni ajaloole ja kultuuriloole. 2003. aastal sai temast Briti impeeriumi ordu komandör (CBE).

muuda- 1971 "Ouch!" (luule)
- 1973 "London Lickpenny" (luule)
- 1982 "The Great Fire of London"
- 1983 "The Last Testament of Oscar Wilde" (eesti keeles "Oscar Wilde'i viimane testament", tõlkinud Krista Kaer, Tallinn, Eesti Raamat, 1992)
- 1985 "Hawksmoor" (eesti keeles "Hawksmoor", tõlkinud Riina Jesmin, Tallinn, Varrak, 1998)
- 1987 "The Diversions of Purley and Other Poems" (luule)
- 1987 "Chatterton"
- 1989 "First Light"
- 1992 "English Music"
- 1993 "The House of Doctor Dee"
- 1994 "Dan Leno and the Limehouse Golem" (ilmunud ka pealkirjaga "The Trial of Elizabeth Cree")
- 1996 "Milton in America"
- 1999 "The Plato Papers"
- 2000 "The Mystery of Charles Dickens"
- 2003 "The Clerkenwell Tales"
- 2004 "The Lambs of London"
- 2006 "The Fall of Troy"
- 2008 "The Casebook of Victor Frankenstein"
- 2009 "The Canterbury Tales – A Retelling"
Muud teosed
muuda- 1976 "Notes for a New Culture: An Essay on Modernism"
- 1978 "Country Life"
- 1979 "Dressing Up: Transvestism and Drag, the History of an Obsession"
- 1980 "Ezra Pound and His World"
- 1984 "T. S. Eliot"
- 1987 "Dickens' London: An Imaginative Vision"
- 1989 "Ezra Pound and his World"
- 1990 "Dickens"
- 1991 "Introduction to Dickens"
- 1995 "Blake" (eesti keeles "Blake", tõlkinud Anne Lange, Tartu, Ilmamaa, 2014)
- 1998 "The Life of Thomas More" (eesti keeles "Thomas More'i elu", tõlkinud Kersti Unt, Tallinn, Varrak, 2004)
- 2000 "London: The Biography" (eesti keeles lühendatud versioon "London. Lühibiograafia", tõlkinud Kalev Lattik, Tallinn, Varrak, 2016)
- 2001 "The Collection: Journalism, Reviews, Essays, Short Stories, Lectures"
- 2002 "Dickens: Public Life and Private Passion"
- 2002 "Albion: The Origins of the English Imagination"
- 2003 "The Beginning"
- 2003 "Illustrated London"
- 2004 "Escape From Earth"
- 2004 "Ancient Egypt"
- 2004 "Chaucer"
- 2004 "Shakespeare: A Biography"
- 2005 "Ancient Greece"
- 2005 "Ancient Rome"
- 2005 "Turner"
- 2007 "Thames: Sacred River"
- 2008 "Coffee with Dickens" (koos Paul Schlickega)
- 2008 "Newton"
- 2008 "Poe: A Life Cut Short"
- 2009 "Venice: Pure City"
- 2010 "The English Ghost"
- 2011 "London Under"
- 2011 "A History of England, v.1 Foundation"
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- Peter Ackroyd British Council