
Minu meelest on pildid suhteliselt liiga suured. Andres 27. august 2005, kell 13.28 (UTC)

Mul on ettepanek vähendada pildid 300 pikslile. Andres 27. august 2005, kell 13.32 (UTC)

Siin ja kaitsealade loendis on looduspark, keskkonnaministeeriumi kodulehel on naissaare maastikukaitseala. kas piirid erinevad või millest kaks erinevat nimetust? avjoska 17. august 2006, kell 06:26 (UTC)

Link. Tegu on sama asjaga. Jaan513 24. august 2006, kell 15:44 (UTC)

Ei tea, kas on üldse mõtet teha eraldi artiklit kaitseala kohta, kui piirid saarega kokku langevad. Jaan513 24. august 2006, kell 15:47 (UTC)

Aga kui looduse kohta väga palju kirjutada on, siis võib kõik selle maastikukaitseala artiklisse paigutada. Jaan513 24. august 2006, kell 15:52 (UTC)

Soovitaksin kaitseala artiklisse panna andmed kaitseala halduslike aspektide ja tegevuse kohta, ülejäänu kõik siia artiklisse. Andres 25. august 2006, kell 06:50 (UTC)

Erinevatel põhjustel eemaldasin need välislingid:

Jaan513 24. august 2006, kell 15:34 (UTC)

Kas Naissaarel on peale Naissaare veel mõni küla? Andres 19. detsember 2006, kell 17:09 (UTC)

Tõlkimise palve


Can somebody translate it?

Mall:Infobox Former Country

The Soviet Republic of Soldiers and Fortress-Builders of Nargen was a revolutionary state that during the First World War controlled the Estonian island of Naissaar (Swedish: Nargö; German: Nargen) in 19171918 for a brief period after the October Revolution and prior to the Occupation of Estonia by German Empire.



On November 5, 1917, the October Revolution spread from Estonia to Russia. 28 November (15 November) 1917 the Maapäev (Provincial Diet) refused to recognize the new Bolshevik rule and proclaimed itself the supreme legal authority in Estonia. At the time, the most important fortification system in the area, called Peter the Great's Naval Fortress, was located at the narrowest point of Gulf of Finland. It included heavy coastal artillery batteries in the area of Estonia's capital Tallinn (Reval) and the nearby island of Naissaar. At the time, anarchosyndicalist Stepan Petrichenko was transferred to Tallinn.

In December 1917, the revolutionary sailors of the battleship Petropavlovsk took power on the small island of Naissaar and proclaimed an independent Soviet republic there. The Russian sailors, numbering about 80–90, formed the government. The Republic of Estonia formally declared independence on February 23, 1918, only to be forcibly occupied and annexed by the German Empire. Between February and November 1918, the Germans – who had already occupied the Estonian islands (Hiiumaa, Muhu and Saaremaa) in 1917 – also occupied Tallinn and the rest of Estonia, for the time being putting an end to both the Republican and the Soviet regimes. On February 26, 1918, the government of Naissaar evacuated from the island.

Sailors of the battleship Petropavlovsk in Helsinki, before the Finnish Civil War (Summer 1917); black flag calls for "death to the bourgeoisie".

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