Philip Noel Pettit (sündinud 20. septembril 1945 Iirimaal Ballygaris) on iiri filosoof ja politoloog.

Philip Pettit (2019)


  • The Concept of Structuralism: a Critical Analysis (1975)
  • Judging justice: an introduction to contemporary political philosophy (1980)
  • Rawls: 'A Theory of Justice' and its critics (1990) koos Chandran Kukathasiga
  • The Common Mind; an essay on psychology, society and politics (1993)
  • Not Just Deserts. A Republican Theory of Criminal Justice, ISBN 978-0-19-824056-3, koos John Braithwaite'iga
  • Republicanism: a theory of freedom and government (1997)
  • Three Methods of Ethics: a debate (1997) koos Marcia Baroni ja Michael Slote'iga
  • A Theory of Freedom: from psychology to the politics of agency (2001)
  • Rules, Reasons and Norms: selected essays (2002)
  • The Economy of Esteem: an essay on civil and political society (2004) koos Geoffrey Brennaniga
  • Mind, Morality, and Explanation: Selected Collaborations (koos Frank Jacksoni ja Michael Smithiga), Oxford University Press 2004
  • Made with Words: Hobbes on Language, Mind, and Politics (2007)
  • Joining the Dots. – Geoffrey Brennan, Robert E. Goodin, Frank Jackson, Michael Smith (toim). Common Minds: Themes from the Philosophy of Philip Pettit (2007)
  • A Political Philosophy in Public Life: Civic Republicanism in Zapatero's Spain (2010) koos José Luis Martíga
  • Group Agency: The Possibility, Design, and Status of Corporate Agents (2011) koos Christian Listiga
  • On The People's Terms: A Republican Theory and Model of Democracy. (2012)
  • Just Freedom: A Moral Compass for a Complex World (2015)
  • The Robust Demands of the Good: Ethics with Attachment, Virtue, and Respect (2015)