Milič Čapek (26. jaanuar 1909 Třebechovice pod Orebem17. november 1997 Little Rock) oli tšehhi päritolu USA filosoof.

Čapekit mõjutas suuresti Henri Bergsoni protsessifilosoofia ja vähemal määral Alfred North Whitehead. Suur osa tema tööst keskendus filosoofia ja tänapäeva füüsika seostele, eriti aja ja ruumi filosoofias ning metafüüsikas.


  • 1961. Philosophical Impact of Contemporary Physics. Van Nostrand, ISBN 0-442-01452-X.
  • 1971. Bergson and Modern Physics: A Re-Interpretation and Re-Evaluation. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 7. D. Reidel Publ. Comp., ISBN 978-90-277-0186-2 (Google Books).
  • 1976 (edited by M. Čapek). The Concepts of Space and Time: Their Structure and Their Development. D. Reidel Publ. Comp, ISBN 90-277-0355-8 (Google Books).
  • 1977. Immediate and Mediate Memory. Process Studies 7(2): 90-96 (fulltext online).
  • 1988. Do the New Concepts of Space and Time Require a New Metaphysics? Chapter 6 pp. 90–104 in Kitchener, R. F. (ed.). The World View of Contemporary Physics: Does It Need a New Metaphysics?. SUNY Press, ISBN 0-88706-741-7.
  • 1991. The New Aspects of Time: Its Continuity and Novelties. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science. Kluwer Academic, ISBN 0-7923-0911-1.


  • van Fraassen, Bas C., 1962. Capek on Eternal Recurrence. Journal of Philosophy 59(14): 371-375 (Abstract).
  • Lenzen, V. F., 1963. Book Review: Milič Capek. The philosophical impact of contemporary physics. Philosophy of Science 30(1): 81-83.
  • Sipfle, David A., 1998. Milič Čapek 1909-1997. Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 71(5): 138.
  • Brogaard, Berit, 2000. The Coup de Grâce for Mechanistic Metaphysics: Čapek's New Philosophy of Nature. Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 36(1): 75-108.