Lotmani loengud
Juri Lotmani loengud on akadeemiline loengusari, mida korraldab Tartu Ülikooli semiootika osakond.
Loengusari asutati aastal 2014. Sellega meenutatakse professor Juri Lotmani teaduslikku pärandit.
Esimese loengu pidas ameerika keeleteadlane ja semiootik Edna Andrews, teise John Hartley.
- Edna Andrews – The importance of Lotmanian semiotics to sign theory and the cognitive neurosciences. 5. detsember 2014.
- John Hartley – Understanding social media: The turn to evolution, complexity and ´The three bigs`. 30. mai 2016.
- Gunther Kress – A social semiotic account of meaning and meaning-making: getting beyond the past and its frames. 14. november 2018.
- Kay O'Halloran – Cultural semiotics: Challenges and opportunities. 20. detsember 2023.