Lines, Vines and Trying Times

"Lines, Vines and Trying Times" on ameerika bändi Jonas Brothers neljas ja ühtlasi viimane stuudioalbum. See ilmus aastal 2009.

Lines, Vines and Trying Times
Jonas Brothersi stuudioalbum
Välja antud 16. juuni 2009
Salvestatud veebruar-aprill 2009
Stiil pop rock
Pikkus 47:54
Plaadifirma Hollywood Records
Produtsent John Fields
Jonas Brothersi kronoloogia
Music from The 3D Concert Experience (2009) Lines, Vines and Trying Times
Live: Walmart Soundcheck (2009)

Esimesel nädalal müüdi seda 247 000 eksemplari ja see oli Billboard 200 edetabelis esikohal.

  1. "World War III" 3:13
  2. "Paranoid" 3:39
  3. "Fly with Me" 3:54
  4. "Poison Ivy" 4:09
  5. "Hey Baby" 3:19
  6. "Before the Storm" 4:26
  7. "What Did I Do to Your Heart" 3:17
  8. "Much Better" 4:36
  9. "Black Keys" 3:48
  10. "Don't Charge Me for the Crime" 3:59
  11. "Turn Right" 2:48
  12. "Don't Speak" 3:55
  13. "Keep It Real" (boonuslugu) 2:51