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muudaPlease leave any messages for me here, or feel free to email me. Russavia (arutelu) 16. juuli 2012, kell 13:10 (EEST)
Rus Fed Embassy
muudaI´m still looking for verified information about Rus Fed Emb in Estonia, so far I had made corrections in article in estonian (Vene Föderatsiooni saatkond Eesti Vabariigis).--NOSSER (arutelu) 19. oktoober 2012, kell 10:05 (EEST)
"non-reliable" source was some kind of blog or forum in russian language, I don't have the link (saw it and lost it).
Featured article in Estonian Wikipedia is so far a big joke and mission impossible at the same time. We have only 2 featured articles from year 2004! No further comments... Regards, --Ivar (arutelu) 19. oktoober 2012, kell 14:52 (EEST)
Sorry pal, we have only a few coworkers here and they just do whatever they like. My free time is very limited, so I can't help you out. Regards, --Ivar (arutelu) 19. oktoober 2012, kell 15:43 (EEST)