Hello! Machine translation is not allowed in Estonian Wikipedia, because it is not good enough for Estonian language yet. Adeliine 26. veebruar 2018, kell 22:52 (EET)Vasta

Hello! I am writting through a list I have so I only input players, if you want I'd be happy if you can correct any grammer errors and improve the article in regards to the language, cheers.

Sorry, I deleted your article, but it was just hopelessly bad. It would be far easier to write a new one from scratch than try to fix that machine translated text. Please to not make that kind of articles. Ivo (arutelu) 26. veebruar 2018, kell 23:10 (EET)Vasta

@Ivo @Kruusamägi, sure, well as I said I input ethiopian football players into wiki, could you write a small piece and re-input the article, write it with correct grammer, thanks, it could be a short one for someone else to improve. Thanks. Cheers.

You have been warned. Next time we will block you. You do not need to write here, if you do not know Estonian. Data from Wikidata will be shown here anyway. --Metsavend 27. veebruar 2018, kell 11:09 (EET)