Tuletorn: erinevus redaktsioonide vahel

Eemaldatud sisu Lisatud sisu
16. rida:
*[[Armas Luige]]. ''Eesti tuletornid: fakte ja meenutusi'', [[Tallinn]] [[1974]], täiendatud trükk [[1982]].
*Frederick Marryat: A code of signals for the use of vessels employed in the merchant service., London 1851, [http://www.archive.org/stream/acodesignalsfor00marrgoog#page/n122/mode/1up NimekiriTuletornide tuletornidestnimekiri]
*Frederick Marryat: The universal code of signals for the mercantile marine of all nations. With a selection of..., 1864 [http://www.archive.org/stream/universalcodesi00richgoog#page/n224/mode/1up Tuletornide nimekiri]
== Välislingid ==