
species of bird

kujutab: Saxicola ferreus ferreus

sugu: isane

Välised allikad

Xeno-canto species ID
BirdLife taxon ID
India Biodiversity Portal species ID ID
iNaturalist taxon ID
NCBI ID taxon ID
IUCN taxon ID
Store norske leksikon ID
eBird taxon ID
GBIF taxon ID
BOLD Systems taxon ID
NBIC taxon ID
Birds of India ID
EURING number
Open Tree of Life ID
Catalogue of Life ID

üksikjuht nähtusest


S. ferreus[21]

teaduslik nimetus

Saxicola ferreus[22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46]

taksoni autor: John Edward Gray, George Robert Gray

year of publication of scientific name for taxon: 1847



Grey Bush Chat[47][48][49][50][51]
Tarabilla Gris[52][53]

ohustatuse kategooria

taxon range

Nanling Mountains[56]

Commonsi galerii

Saxicola ferreus

Commonsi kategooria

Saxicola ferreus


  1. HBW and BirdLife Taxonomic Checklist v2, 20. juuni 2018
  2. HBW and BirdLife Taxonomic Checklist v3, 31. detsember 2019
  3. HBW and BirdLife Taxonomic Checklist v4, 12. jaanuar 2020
  4. HBW and BirdLife Taxonomic Checklist v5, 26. detsember 2020
  5. HBW and BirdLife Taxonomic Checklist v6, 25. detsember 2021
  6. HBW and BirdLife Taxonomic Checklist v7, 1. jaanuar 2023
  7. India Biodiversity Portal
  9. NCBI Taxonomy, 13. november 2015
  10. IUCNi punane nimistu, 11. juuli 2016
  11. Freebase Data Dumps, 28. oktoober 2013
  12. eBird Taxonomy v2018, 28. august 2018
  13. eBird Taxonomy v2019, 3. veebruar 2020
  14. Global Biodiversity Information Facility, 21. mai 2015
  15. UMLS 2023, 18. juuni 2023, inferred by common NCBI Taxon ID mappings on source and on Wikidata
  16. Barcode of Life Data Systems, 13. veebruar 2021
  17. Birds of India
  18. Open Tree of Life reference taxonomy version 3.6, 27. märts 2024
  19. 10.48580/DFPX
  20. Integrated Taxonomic Information System, 28. juuli 2016
  21. inferred from taxon name
  22. 22,0 22,1 IOC World Bird List Version 6.3
  23. 23,0 23,1 IOC World Bird List Version 6.4
  24. 24,0 24,1 IOC World Bird List Version 7.1
  25. 25,0 25,1 IOC World Bird List Version 7.2
  26. 26,0 26,1 IOC World Bird List Version 7.3
  27. 27,0 27,1 IOC World Bird List Version 8.1
  28. 28,0 28,1 HBW and BirdLife Taxonomic Checklist v2
  29. 29,0 29,1 eBird Taxonomy v2018
  30. 30,0 30,1 Clements Checklist of Birds of the World
  31. 31,0 31,1 IOC World Bird List Version 8.2
  32. 32,0 32,1 IOC World Bird List Version 9.1
  33. 33,0 33,1 IOC World Bird List Version 9.2
  34. 34,0 34,1 HBW and BirdLife Taxonomic Checklist v3
  35. 35,0 35,1 HBW and BirdLife Taxonomic Checklist v4
  36. 36,0 36,1 IOC World Bird List Version 10.1
  37. 37,0 37,1 Clements Checklist v2019
  38. 38,0 38,1 IOC World Bird List Version 10.2
  39. 39,0 39,1 HBW and BirdLife Taxonomic Checklist v5
  40. 40,0 40,1 IOC World Bird List Version 11.1
  41. 41,0 41,1 IOC World Bird List Version 11.2
  42. 42,0 42,1 HBW and BirdLife Taxonomic Checklist v6
  43. 43,0 43,1 HBW and BirdLife Taxonomic Checklist v7
  44. 44,0 44,1 IOC World Bird List Version 12.1
  45. 45,0 45,1 IOC World Bird List Version 12.2
  46. 46,0 46,1 IOC World Bird List Version 13.1
  47. IOC World Bird List Version 6.3, 5. oktoober 2016
  48. IUCNi punane nimistu, 21. oktoober 2016
  49. IOC World Bird List Version 6.4, 23. november 2016
  50. IOC World Bird List Version 10.1, 14. juuli 2020
  51. IOC World Bird List Version 10.2, 28. september 2020
  52. IOC World Bird List Version 6.3, 12. oktoober 2016
  53. IOC World Bird List Version 6.4, 28. november 2016
  54. 22710218, 27. detsember 2021, The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2021.3
  55. 10.17520/biods.2021475
  56. Species richness patterns of mammals and birds and their drivers in the Nanling Mountain Range