Arutelu:Mehmet Murat İldan

This article should be deleted. I who call for delete is admin on no:, no:Bruker:Orland. This article is spread to several editions of wp as a extreme self-pr without any reasonable notability

I can see no reason for deletion. The article just lists his books. He has enough of them to be included to the Wikipedia as the most thorough encyclopedia of the world. The fact of self-promotion is no obstacle, as he isn't just nobody. Andres 24. jaanuar 2007, kell 07:03 (UTC)
An article about Mehmet Murat İldan is not relevant to readers in languages that he has not been translated into. And the english article is obviously lying about his reputation, as it foresees how his reputation will be in the future. Please note the intro statement "Following his epistolary novel, en:The First Sorrows of Young Werther, he is regarded as a romantic writer", when the book in question is due to be published in february this year. This is indeed prophetic skills by the article's author. When the article also states that this unpublished «The First Sorrows of Young Werther» is his magnum opus, we can easily assume that this author is not notable, yet. --en:Orland 07:56, 24 January 2007 (UTC) --no:Orland 24. jan 2007 kl. 10:57 (CET)

is not relevant to readers in languages that he has not been translated into

I strongly disagree with this argument.
In the Estonian version there are no prophecies. I also disagree with the argument that the words magnum opus refers to the non-notability of the previous books. Andres 24. jaanuar 2007, kell 20:39 (UTC)
My point about the magnum opus is that it says that his best work is not yet published. How can we then tell that he is an inportant author?
And how can you tell he isn't just nobody, his name has less google hits than mine. --en:Orland / --no:Orland 25. jan 2007 kl. 10:37 (norwegian time)
I don't see your point. And I don't understand why the article should be deleted. Andres 25. jaanuar 2007, kell 15:16 (UTC)

Renewed call for deletion


Take a look at en:Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Mehmet Murat İldan. This article is now deleted from almost every wikipedia, due to the aggressive selfpromotion. en:User:Orland / no:Bruker:Orland (admin on no:) -- 25. jaanuar 2007, kell 19:31 (UTC)

Kui on tõsi, et kõnealune persoon on türgi kirjanik ja loetletud teosed on tema kirjutatud, siin üheselt selge, et see jama kustutamise ümber tuleb lõpetada. Ja kirjutaja Norrast ilmselt teab samuti, mis eestikeelses artiklis kirjas, kuna ta selle artikli pärast nii tulihingeliselt sõdib. - Urmas 25. jaanuar 2007, kell 19:40 (UTC)
nagu see kirjutaja siin ütleb pole ta veel märkimisväärne... siin tuleb kahjuks silme ette miski tohutu hulk artikleid täiesti tundmatute eesti bändide kohta... ma ei näe siin suurt vahet, et kui see kustutada tuleks kindlasti ka nood kustutada etc. Aga kui aus olla, siis ma pole viimase kümne aasta jookul ühegi norra kirjaniku teost ka lugenud, nii et minu jaoks on ka need täiesti tundmatud isikud ;) ... tuleb meelde, et siis kui see vene ajakirjanik tapeti, siis minu meelest keegi siinses vikis imestas, et kes see ka on - ilmselt enamik meist polnud tollel hetkel temast miskit kuulnud, praegu teavad teda kõik... nii et kui see isik on reaalselt eksisteeriv, siis minugi poolest võib see artikkel ka alles jääda - Ahsoous 25. jaanuar 2007, kell 20:41 (UTC)

Look for more information in my english en:User_talk:Orland#A_statement_in_the_Ildan_case. Note also that at least 14 wp-languages until now has delete the spamming Ildan-biography; and note also that three different anonymous ip-adresses this last day has tried to delete from the english article [1] interwiki-links in order to "hide" where deletion debates are ongoing. As stated by a french contributor during this debate "this guy launched one of the most incredible spam event that I've ever seen on WP". en:User:Orland / no:Bruker:Orland -- 27. jaanuar 2007, kell 16:36 (UTC)

If somebody is still unsure about the spamming process, check that. Quite surprising that the picture of this Ildan come from his own website. Quite surprising that all the articles in 31 languages has been written in less than 2 months. I thought that WP was not a free way to advertise. But may be I was wrong... 29. jaanuar 2007, kell 14:25 (UTC)

Article has now been delete in en:, de:, fr:, da:, sv:, no: and 15-20 other languages. no:User:Orland.

And now also deleted in es: and hu:. no:User:Orland -- 5. märts 2007, kell 07:38 (UTC)
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