Anna Katharine Green

(Ümber suunatud leheküljelt Anna Katherine Green)

Anna Katharine Green (11. november 184611. aprill 1935) oli ameerika luuletaja ja novellist. Ta oli üks esimesi kriminaalromaanide autoreid Ameerikas. Tema teoste eristavateks joonteks oli hästi läbi mõeldud süžee ja juriidiliselt korrektne taust.[1] Greeni on nimetatud „kriminaalromaani emaks“.[2]

Anna Katharine Green
Sündinud 11. november 1846
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Surnud 11. aprill 1935 (88-aastaselt)
Buffalo, USA
Žanr luule, kriminaalromaan
Abikaasa Charles Rohlfs

Teosed (valik)

  • 1878, „The Leavenworth Case“, New York, G.P. Putnam's Sons.
  • 1880, „A Strange Disappearance“, New York G.P. Putnam's Sons.
  • 1883, „Hand and Ring“, New York, G.P. Putnam's Sons.
  • 1883, „XYZ“, New York, G.P. Putnam's Sons.
  • 1888, „Behind Closed Doors“, London, G.P. Putnam's Sons.
  • 1890, „A Matter of Millions“, New York , R. Bonner's Sons .
  • 1895, „The Doctor, His Wife and the Clock“, West Chester, PA , Dercum Press.
  • 1897, „That Affair Next Door“, New York, G.P. Putnam's Sons.
  • 1898, „Lost Man's Lane“, New York & London, G.P. Putnam's Sons.
  • 1900, „The Circular Study“, New York, McClure, Phillips & Co.
  • 1901, „One Of My Sons“, New York, G.P. Putnam's Sons.
  • 1903, „The Filigree Ball“, Indianapolis, Bobbs Merrill.
  • 1905, „The Millionaire Baby“, Indianapolis, Bobbs Merrill.
  • 1905, „The Amethyst Box“, Indianapolis, Bobbs Merrill.
  • 1906, „The Woman in the Alcove“, Indianapolis, Bobbs Merrill.
  • 1906, „The Chief Legatee“, New York, Authors and Newspapers Association.
  • 1907, „The Mayor's Wife“, New York, Grosset & Dunlap.
  • 1910, „The House of the Whispering Pines“, New York, G.P. Putnam's Sons.
  • 1911, „Initials Only“, New York, Dodd, Mead & Co.
  • 1914, „Dark Hollow“, New York, Dodd Mead & Co.
  • 1915, „The Golden Slipper and Other Problems for Violet Strange“, New York, G.P. Putnam's Sons.
  • 1917, „The Mystery of the Hasty Arrow“, New York, Dodd, Mead & Co.
  • 1923, „The Step on the Stair“, New York, Dodd, Mead & Co.


  1. A. K. Green Dies (PDF). The New York Times. 12.04.1935. Noted Author, 88. 'The Leavenworth Case' in '78 Followed by 36 Other Books. Wife of Charles Rohlfs. Wanted to Write Poetry. Wrote Detective Stories to Draw Attention to Her Verse. Changed Mystery Fiction
  2. Penzler, Otto (16.11.2005). "A Deadly Month". The New York Sun. New York: Ronald Weintraub. [Green] is frequently, inaccurately, described as the mother of the detective novel by virtue of having written The Leavenworth Case, which is said to be the first mystery written by an American woman. But the honor rightfully belongs to Seeley Regester [1831-1885], with her 1866 novel The Dead Letter.


  • Giffuni, C. "A Bibliography of Anna Katharine Green", Clues: A Journal of Detection, 8:2 Fall/Winter 1987.
  • Maida, Patricia D. Mother of Detective Fiction: The Life and Works of Anna Katharine Green (1989). Bowling Green State University Popular Press.
  • Murch, Alma. The Development of the Detective Novel (1958). P. Owen, London.
  • Landrum, Larry. American Mystery and Detective Novels: A Reference Guide (1999). Greenwood Press, Westport CT.

