Vikipeedia arutelu:Wikimedia CEE Spring 2016

Viimase kommentaari postitas Ата 7 aasta eest teemas CEE Spring 2016 Survey.

Kaks näidisartiklit neljast ei sisalda (pea üldse) viiteid. Nii päris ei sobi. Pakun asemele nt Keila. Ivo (arutelu) 23. märts 2016, kell 11:44 (EET)Vasta

Need kaks artiklit on nüüd välja vahetatud. Aga Keila võiks enne, kui seda teistele eeskujuks seada, kõigepealt ikka hea artikli märgise külge saada.-- 26. märts 2016, kell 14:52 (EET)Vasta

New countries


Hi! I'm sorry I write in English. Since the beginning of this project, there are some new countries participating. May you add Croatia, Kazakhstan, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Turkey to your list, flags and schedule? Thank you!--Fraxinus (arutelu) 30. märts 2016, kell 23:19 (EEST)Vasta

Week of Women in Science and Education


Tere! The week starting on 2 May is a special thematic Week of Women in Science and Education, which promotes the creation of articles about notable women from the CEE region, who contributed strongly to science and education in the region. CEE Spring 2016 participants who will add the most words to articles related to this topic will win interesting prizes. The participants will be ranked by highest number of words written, whereby only newly created articles with at least 300 words will be taken into consideration. You can find the rules here. Please join the challenge and inform your community about it! --Лорд Бъмбъри (arutelu) 1. mai 2016, kell 00:33 (EEST)Vasta

CEE Spring 2016 Survey


Hi, dear CEE Spring 2016 organisers! I am sorry for writing in English again.

The international organisers of the contest ask all the participants to complete the survey about the contest. It is very short. It gives us a bit of statistics and helps make the next contest better.

We will use MassMessage to give the survey link to all the participants. Obviously, not all of them speak English, so please, help us with translating this request and encourage them to complete the survey.

Best regards,
-- Ата via MassMessage 26. august 2016, kell 21:54 (EEST)Vasta

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