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Toompea is under attack!


On May 15, 1990, the largest organized protest of the Intermovement took place in Toompea, Tallinn. In process, hundreds of members from the movement invaded the courtyard of Toompea Castle under red flags, but they failed to enter the castle itself. On the same day, Latvian parliament building was similarly attacked. Head of the Estonian government Edgar Savisaar called people to defend the castle in direct broadcast of Estonian Radio with message "Toompea is being attacked! I repeat, Toompea is being attacked!". Subsequently, a large number of Estonians began to gather at the castle, and members of the Interfront were forced to retreat. Fortunately, no violence between the Estonians and the Interfront (many of whom were Russians) occurred. Some time later, general strikes began in bigger factories.

Künnap heard on the radio what was happening on Toompea, packed a bag with a thermos of coffee and a bottle of vodka and went to see what was happening. At the same time, many of his fellow countrymen also gathered in Toompea. The pictures show the other side of the event, where Interfront is currently leaving. Künnap visited the same location also a day later (last 5 images).