Vienna series in theoretical biology

"The Vienna series in theoretical biology" on raamatusari teoreetilise bioloogia alal, mida annab välja Konrad Lorenzi Instituut kirjastuse MIT Press kaudu.

Kogumikud on valdavalt seotud Konrad Lorenzi Instituudi korraldatavate sümpoosionidega.

Sarja peatoimetaja on Gerd B. Müller. Kaastoimetajad on Thomas Pradeu ja Katrin Schäfer (2022), varem Günter P. Wagner ja Werner Callebaut.

Ilmunud köited

  • Heyes, Cecilia; Huber, Ludwig (eds.) 2000. The Evolution of Cognition.
  • Müller, Gerd B.; Newman, Stuart A. (eds.) 2003. Origination of Organismal Form: Beyond the Gene in Developmental and Evolutionary Biology. (The Vienna Series in Theoretical Biology.) Cambridge: A Bradford Book, The MIT Press.
  • Hall, Brian K.; Pearson, Roy D.; Müller, Gerd B. (eds.) 2004. Environment, Development, and Evolution.
  • Oller, D. Kimbrough; Griebel, Ulrike (eds.) 2004. Evolution of Communication Systems: A Comparative Approach. (The Vienna Series in Theoretical Biology.) Cambridge: MIT Press.
  • Callebaut, Werner; Rasskin-Gutman, Diego (eds.) 2005. Modularity: Understanding the Development and Evolution of Natural Complex Systems.
  • Watson, Richard A. 2006. Compositional Evolution: The Impact of Sex, Symbiosis, and Modularity on the Gradualist Framework of Evolution.
  • Reid, Robert G. B. 2007. Biological Emergences: Evolution by Natural Experiment. (The Vienna Series in Theoretical Biology.) Cambridge: The MIT Press.
  • Laubichler, Manfred D.; Müller, Gerd B. (eds.) 2007. Modeling Biology: Structures, Behaviors, Evolution.
  • Oller, D. Kimbrough; Griebel, Ulrike (eds.) 2008. Evolution of Communicative Flexibility: Complexity, Creativity, and Adaptability in Human and Animal Communication. (The Vienna Series in Theoretical Biology.) Cambridge: MIT Press.
  • Krohs, Ulrich; Kroes, Peter (eds.) 2009. Functions in Biological and Artificial Worlds: Comparative Philosophical Perspectives.
  • Tommasi, Luca; Peterson, Mary A.; Nadel, Lynn (eds.) 2009. Cognitive Biology: Evolutionary and Developmental Perspectives on Mind, Brain and Behavior. (Vienna Series in Theoretical Biology 11.) Cambridge: The MIT Press.
  • O’Brien, Michael J.; Shennan, Stephen J. (eds.) 2009. Innovation in Cultural Systems.
  • Calcott, Brett; Sterelny, Kim (eds.) 2011. The Major Transitions in Evolution Revisited.
  • Gissis, Snait B.; Jablonka, Eva (eds.) 2011. Transformations of Lamarckism.
  • McGhee Jr., George R. 2011. Convergent Evolution: Limited Forms Most Beautiful.
  • Bouchard, Frédéric; Huneman, Philippe (eds.) 2013. From Groups to Individuals.
  • Caporael, Linnda R.; Griesemer, James; Wimsatt, William C. (eds.) 2013. Developing Scaffolds in Evolution, Culture, and Cognition.
  • Niklas, Karl J.; Newman, Stuart A. (eds.) 2016. Multicellularity: Origins and Evolution. (Bonner, John T., foreword.) [Also in 2022.]
  • Müller, Gerd B. (ed.) 2017. Vivarium: Experimental, Quantitative, and Theoretical Biology at Vienna’s Biologische Versuchsanstalt.
  • Gissis, Snait B.; Lamm, Ehud; Shavit, Ayelet (eds.) 2017. Landscapes of Collectivity in the Life Sciences. (The Vienna Series in Theoretical Biology.) Cambridge: MIT Press.
  • Schwartz, Jeffrey H. (ed.) 2018. Rethinking Human Evolution. [Also in 2022.]
  • O’Brien, Michael J.; Buchanan, Briggs; Erin, Metin I. (eds.) 2018. Convergent Evolution in Stone-Tool Technology.
  • Uller, Tobias; LaLand, Kevin N. (eds.) 2019. Evolutionary Causation: Biological and Philosophical Reflections.
  • McGhee Jr., George R. 2019. Convergent Evolution on Earth: Lessons for the Search for Extraterrestrial Life.
  • Powell, Russell 2020. Contingency and Convergence: Toward a Cosmic Biology of Body and Mind.
  • Spitzer, Jan 2021. How Molecular Forces and Rotating Planets Create Life: The Emergence and Evolution of Prokaryotic Cells.
  • Strauss, Bernhard; Bertolaso, Marta; Ernberg, Ingemar; Bissell, Mina J. (eds.) 2021. Rethinking Cancer: A New Understanding for the Post-Genomics Era.
  • Brooks, Daniel S.; DiFrisco, James; Wimsatt, William C. (eds.) 2021. Levels of Organization in the Biological Sciences.
  • Schultz, Ted R.; Gawne, Richard; Peregrine, Peter N. (eds.) 2022. The Convergent Evolution of Agriculture in Humans and Insects.
  • Hansen, Thomas F.; Houle, David; Pavlicev, Mihaela; Pélabon, Christophe (eds.) 2023. Evolvability: A Unifying Concept in Evolutionary Biology?.
  • Corning, Peter A.; Kauffman, Stuart A.; Noble, Denis; Shapiro, James A.; Vane-Wright, Richard I.; Pross, Addy (eds.) 2023. Evolution “On Purpose”: Teleonomy in Living Systems.
  • Rosslenbroich, Bernd 2023. Properties of Life: Toward a Theory of Organismic Biology.

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