Triple Threat (Annihilatori album)

"Triple Threat" on Kanada thrash metal-bändi Annihilator 2017. aastal avaldatud box set. Karbi esimene plaat on kontsertsalvestis 2016. aasta "Bang Your Head!!!" festivalilt ja teine plaat on stuudioalbum, millel on bändi lugude akustilised salvestised. Eriväljaannetel on kaasas ka DVD või Blu-ray plaat kontsertsalvestistega.

"Triple Threat"
Annihilatori box set
Välja antud 27. jaanuar 2017
Salvestatud mai–juuni 2016
Stiil thrash metal
Pikkus 257 minutit
Plaadifirma UDR Music
Produtsent Jeff Waters, Rich Hinks, Marty Sobb
Annihilatori kronoloogia
"Suicide Society"
"Triple Threat"

Lugude loend


Kontsertsalvestis "Bang Your Head!!!" festivalil

  1. "King of the Kill"
  2. "No Way Out"
  3. "Creepin' Again"
  4. "Set the World on Fire"
  5. "W.T.Y.D. (Welcome to Your Death)"
  6. "Never, Neverland"
  7. "Bliss"
  8. "Second to None"
  9. "Refresh the Demon"
  10. "Alison Hell"
  11. "Phantasmagoria"

Unplugged: The Watersound Studios Sessions

  1. "Sounds Good to Me"
  2. "Bad Child"
  3. "Innnocent Eyes"
  4. "Snake in the Grass"
  5. "Fantastic Things"
  6. "Holding On"
  7. "Stonewall"
  8. "In the Blood"
  9. "Crystal Ann"
  10. "Phoenix Rising"

Boonus kontsert-DVD/Blu-ray

  1. "King of the Kill"
  2. "No Way Out"
  3. "Creepin' Again"
  4. "Set the World on Fire"
  5. "W.T.Y.D. (Welcome to Your Death)"
  6. "Never, Neverland"
  7. "Bliss"
  8. "Second to None"
  9. "Refresh the Demon"
  10. "Alison Hell"
  11. "Phantasmagoria"


  • Jeff Waters – laul, soolo- ja rütmikitarr
  • Aaron Homma – rütmikitarr
  • Rich Hinks – basskitarr
  • Fabio Alessandrini – trummid kontsertalbumil
  • Marc LeFrance – trummid akustilistel albumil
  • Pat Robillard – kitarr akustilistel albumil