Meeste rasestamisvastased tabletid

Meeste rasestamisvastane tablett on väljatöötamisjärgus ravim, mille eesmärk on hoida ära partneri soovimatu rasestumine sugulise vahekorra tulemusel.[1][2][3]


  1. Nicola Davis (17. veebruar 2023). "Male contraceptive taken shortly before sex shows promise, say scientists | Study in mice suggests drug could temporarily stop sperm moving by blocking critical protein". (inglise). Vaadatud 17. veebruaril 2023. When it comes to contraception, men may finally have a greater choice than a condom or vasectomy, with a study in mice released this week suggesting it may be possible to develop a pill that could be taken shortly before se
  2. Grace Wade (14. veebruar 2023). "Male birth control drug is 100 per cent effective in mice". (inglise). New Scientist. Vaadatud 19. veebruaril 2023.
  3. "On-demand male contraception via acute inhibition of soluble adenylyl cyclase". (inglise). Nature Communications. 14. veebruar 2023. DOI:10.1038/s41467-023-36119-6. Vaadatud 20. veebruaril 2023.