
{{Hidden begin
| expanded = <!--"true", "on", yes", etc, otherwise omit-->
| showhide = <!--"left", otherwise omit-->
| class = 
| style = 
| border =
| title = 
| titlestyle = 
| bg1 = 
| ta1 = 
| contentstyle = 
| bg2 = 
| ta2 = 
<!--Older, semi-deprecated parameters:-->
| header = | extra1 = | extra2 = 
<!----[content to be hidden placed here]---->
{{Hidden end}}


Parameeter Kirjeldus
showhide Set to "left" (without speechmarks) to switch the [show/hide] link's position from the righthand end of the titlebar (default) to the left.
expanded Set to anything ("true", "yes", etc.) to switch the hidden section's initial state from collapsed (hidden) to expanded (visible).
class Class attribute affecting entire area.
style CSS styling affecting entire area (titlebar and hidden/hideable content).
border CSS styling for border around entire area. Will be overridden by any border styles in style.
title Text shown in titlebar.
titlestyle CSS styles to apply to the titlebar (e.g. |titlestyle=border:1px solid lightgrey; to produce a border around it; |titlestyle=background:color; to set its background color to color ; |titlestyle=text-align:[center/right]; to switch its text (title)'s alignment from left to center or right; etc.).
bg1 Background color for titlebar; defaults to transparent. May be overridden if titlestyle includes anything that changes the background.
ta1 Text alignment for titlebar; defaults to left. May be overridden if titlestyle includes anything that changes the text alignment.
contentstyle  CSS styling to apply to the hidden/hideable content (e.g. background and text-align, per titlestyle).
bg2 Background color for content; defaults to transparent. May be overridden if contentstyle includes anything changes the background.
ta2 Text alignment for content; defaults to left. May be overridden if contentstyle includes anything that changes the text alignment.