
Pedro the disappointment




Pedro is a fat dumb stupid diaperhead. He has never done anything good in his life except divorce his wife and lose custody of his 57 children.

Pedro was born in the city of garbage, New York There he was abandoned by his moter because he was too smelly and fat. From there on out he had to find food by himself and somehow managed to get married at 17 to his now ex wife, whom he somehow managed to get 57 children with. 31 of them died. The rest of his now adult children went on to be succesful buisnessmen (and woman) around the world.

More of his lifestory

Pedro deserves no love

Pedros first job


Pedros first job was at a fast food joint we are not permitted to say. Pedro worked there for 5 months at 28 until he was fired because he stole lettuce to feed his starving family. His former employer has warned other companes to not employ him.

Pedros family
Pedro had 57 children, 31 of whom are dead. He has one daughter and 25 sons who are alive. All of his sons (and daughter) became rich and have moved all around the world forgetting about their deadbeat father. Only one of his sons decided to stay in New York to help take care of his mother, though still avoiding his father. They are all happy this way, except Pedro. Pedro has tried to reach out to his children many times, to they point where most of them have gotten a restraining order against him. 

Pedros wife has terrible health and is slowly dying of cancer. Her son Julio is taking care of her for the last few years of her wife.