Enesetapp: erinevus redaktsioonide vahel

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82. rida:
== Kirjandus ==
* K. Raid. Enesetapmised Eestis. [[Politseileht]], 16. september 1939, nr. 17, lk. 392–396.
*[[John Donnelly]]. Suicide and Rationality. – [[John Donnelly]] (toim). ''Language, Metaphysics and Death'', Fordham University Press [[1978]].
*[[Airi Värnik]] (1997). Enesetapud Eestis 1965–1995, ERSI
*[[Frances Kamm]]. Physician-Assisted Suicide, the Doctrine of Double Effect, and the Ground of Value. – ''[[Ethics]]'', 109 ([[1999]]), lk 586–605.
Suicide, the Doctrine of Double Effect, and the Ground of Value. – ''[[Ethics]]'', 109 ([[1999]]), lk 586–605.
*[[J. David Velleman]]. A Right of Self-Termination? – ''[[Ethics]] 109 ([[1999]]), lk 606–628.
*Värnik A, Kõlves K. (2001). Eestlaste ja mitte-eestlaste enesetapud.