Karl Popper: erinevus redaktsioonide vahel

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108. rida:
*[[1963]] "[[Conjectures and Refutations]]: The Growth of Scientific Knowledge" (Oletused ja ümberlükkamised: teaduslike teadmiste kasv)
*[[1972]] "''[[Objective Knowledge]]: An Evolutionary Approach''" (Objektiivne teadmine: evolutsiooniline lähenemine)
*Reply to my critics. – P. A. Schilpp. ''The Philosophy of Karl Popper''. ''The Library of Living Philosophers'', kd xiv, raamat ii, La Salle: Open Court [[1974]], lk 961–1197.
*[[1976]] "[[Unended Quest]]: An Intellectual Autobiography" (Lõppematu otsing: intellektuaalne autobiograafia)
* [[1977]] "''[[The Self and Its Brain]]: An Argument for Interactionism''"
*Natural Selection and the Emergence of the Mind. – ''[[Dialectica]]'', [[1978]], 32, lk 339–355.
* [[1982]] "''The Open Universe: An Argument for Indeterminism''" (Avatud universum: argument indeterminismi kasuks)
* [[1982]] "''Realism and the Aim of Science''" (Realism ja teaduse eesmärk)