I Love New York: erinevus redaktsioonide vahel

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1. rida:
[[File:I Love New York.svg|right|thumb|Logo "I Love New York" kujundas [[Milton Glaser]].]]
'''I Love New York''' ("Ma armastan New Yorki") on [[logo]] ja [[laul]], millel põhineb 1970. aastate keskel alanud [[reklaamikampaania]], millegamille propageeritakseeesmärk oli turismi propageerimine [[New York|New Yorgi]] linnas<ref>[http://www.believermag.com/issues/200309/?read=interview_glaser Interview with Milton Glaser], The Believer</ref> ning hilisemal ajalhiljem ka terves [[New Yorgi osariik|New Yorgi osariigis]]. Kaubamärgina kaitstud logo võib näha kogu osariigi suveniiripoodides ja turismibrošüürides, olgunii needlitsentseeritud siiskui litsentseeritudka võilitsentseerimata ilmakasutusel olevana. LaulSteve Carmeni loodud laul "I Love New York" on New Yorgi [[tunnuslaul]].
Logo on [[reebus]], mille [[Milton Glaser]] laenas ühelt [[Montreal]]i raadiokampaanialt. Raadiojaam CJAD Montreal Quebec Canada algatas kunagi reklaamikampaania nimega "Montreal, südamega linn".
Logo koosneb suurtähest ''"[[I]]''" (inglise keeles "mina"), millele järgneb punane [[süda (sümbol)|süda]] (<span style="color:red;">♥</span>). Nende all on suurtähed ''[[N]]'' ja ''[[Y]]'', mis on ümardatud [[ruutseriif]]idega [[šrift]]is nimega [[American Typewriter]] ja mis tähistavad [[New York|New Yorgi]] nime algustähti.
<!--1977. aastal palkas William S. Doyle, Deputy Commissioner of the [[New York State Department of Commerce]] hired advertising agency Wells Rich Greene to develop a marketing campaign for New York State. Doyle also recruited [[Milton Glaser]], a productive [[graphic designer]] to work on the campaign, and created the design based on Wells Rich Greene's advertising campaign. Glaser expected the campaign to last only a couple months and did the work [[pro bono]]. The innovative [[Pop Art|pop-style]] icon became a major success and has continued to be sold for years. In the popular mind (though this was not the original intention) the logo has become closely associated with New York City, and the placement of the logo on plain white T-shirts readily sold in the city has widely circulated the appearance of the image, making it a commonly recognized symbol. Glaser's original concept sketch and presentation boards were donated by Doyle to the permanent collection of the [[Museum of Modern Art]], New York.<ref>{{cite web|author= |url=http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/art/art-features/8303867/Milton-Glaser-his-heart-was-in-the-right-place.html |title=Milton Glaser: his heart was in the right place |work=[[The Daily Telegraph]] |date= |accessdate=March 5, 2012}}</ref>
--><!--[[File:Morethanever.jpg|left|70px|Glaser's modified logo to remember the 9/11 attacks on New York City.]]--><!--
The image became especially prominent following the [[September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks|September 11]] [[terrorist attacks]] on the city, which created a sense of unity among the populace. Many visitors to the city following the attacks purchased and wore the shirts bearing the I Love New York logo as a sign of their support. Glaser created a modified version to commemorate the attacks, reading "I Love NY More Than Ever", with a little black spot on the heart symbolizing the [[World Trade Center site]]. The black spot approximates the site's location on [[Manhattan]] Island.
32. rida ⟶ 33. rida:
</ref> Logo otsesel ettelugemisel põhinevad väljendid nagu "I heart…" ("Mina süda...") näiteks filmi "[[I Heart Huckabees]]" pealkirjas.
Logole on oma töödes viidanud ka teised kunstnikud, näiteks Briti disainer [[Danny Flynn (printer)|Danny Flynn]], kes kasutas inglise keele idioome ja vaoshoitust väljendavaid fraase 2005. aastal loodud logoseerias <i>'<b>I <font color=red>don't mind</font color=red> NY</b>'</i>.<ref>[[Danny Flynn (printer)#'I Don't Mind New York' design series|Danny Flynn's 'I don't mind NY' homage design]]</ref>
==Vaata ka==
* [[New York#Turism|Turism New Yorgis]]
* ''[[Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan]]''{{spaced ndash}}horror film criticized for using the "I Love New York" music
* [[Heart in Oregon]]
* [[I Love L.A.]]
* ''[[I Love New York (TV series)|I Love New York]]''{{spaced ndash}}reality-television show competition featured on [[VH1]]
* [[Theme from New York, New York|Theme from ''New York, New York'']] by [[Frank Sinatra]]
* [[Tourism in New York City]]-->