Eddie Redmayne: erinevus redaktsioonide vahel

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30. rida:
2011. aasta novembris teatati, et Redmayne kehastab muusikalifilmis „Hüljatud” (originaalis ''Les Misérables'') Mariust.
2008. ja 2012. aastal osales Redmayne modellina [[Burberry]] kampaanias.<ref>[http://copilotcrash.blogspot.com/2008/01/abcs-of-burberry-starring-eddie.html "The ABCs of Burberry - Starring Eddie Redmayne and Alex Pettyfer"] Copilotcrash.blogspot.com, 10. jaanuar 2008.</ref><ref>[http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/showbiz/news/a358344/eddie-redmayne-cara-delevingne-pose-for-burberry-videos-pictures.html "Eddie Redmayne, Cara Delevingne pose for Burberry - videos, pictures"] Digital Spy, 4. jaanuar 2012.</ref>