Taktsagedus: erinevus redaktsioonide vahel

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Hellcenter (arutelu | kaastöö)
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Hellcenter (arutelu | kaastöö)
8. rida:
Üks konkreetne taktitsükkel (tavaliselt lühem kui nanosekond tänapäevastes protsessorites) on lülitus, mille tulemuseks on kas loogiline null või loogiline üks.
Valdava osa vältel [[mikroarvuti]]te varasemast ajaloost ei olnud taktsagedus eri mudelite vahel varieeruvaks faktoriks. Iga konkreetne protsessoritüübile oli harilikult ettemääratud standardne taktsagedus - 1 Mhz [[6502]]-l baseruuvatel arhitektuuridel nagu näiteks [[Commodore 64]] ja [[Apple II]] seeria
For most of the early history of [[microcomputers]], clock rate was not a differentiating factor between models. Each CPU type was typically clocked at a standard rate - 1 MHz for [[6502]]-based architectures like the [[Commodore 64]] and [[Apple II series]], 4.77 MHz for [[Z-80]] computers and the first generation of Intel [[8086]] as used in the original [[IBM PC]], 8 MHz for early Motorola [[68000]] machines such as the [[Macintosh 128k]] and [[Amiga 1000]]. Since these processor generations followed each other quickly and generally did not compete between themselves (except for the Z-80 and 8086, which shared the same clock rate), manufacturers tended not to emphasize clock rate in their marketing material.
==Varased Arvutid==