Jossif Stalin: erinevus redaktsioonide vahel

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→‎Välislingid: * Amos Chapple. [ The Death Of Stalin: 70 Years Ago // Photos made by Soviet photographers, and one American observer, show the funeral of the U.S.S.R's most infamous dictator as viewed from behind the scenes and in front of the official cameras.] RFE/RL, 3. märts 2023 * Life and Rat Poison Assassination of Stalin
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247. rida:
*Рейфилд Д. Р, [ "СТАЛИН И ЕГО ПОДРУЧНЫЕ"], М.: Новое литературное обозрение, 2008. – 576 c
* Amos Chapple. [ The Death Of Stalin: 70 Years Ago // Photos made by Soviet photographers, and one American observer, show the funeral of the U.S.S.R's most infamous dictator as viewed from behind the scenes and in front of the official cameras.] [[RFE/RL]], 3. märts 2023
* [[ Life and Rat Poison Assassination of Stalin]]