Auriculella tenella


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üksikjuht nähtusest


A. tenella[11]

teaduslik nimetus

Auriculella tenella[12]

taksoni autor: César Marie Félix Ancey

year of publication of scientific name for taxon: 1889

taksoni järk



ohustatuse kategooria

Data Deficient[13]

Commonsi kategooria

Auriculella tenella


  1. ZooBank, 11. aprill 2021
  2. Global Biodiversity Information Facility, 2. aprill 2018
  3. World Register of Marine Species, 31. jaanuar 2021
  4. UMLS 2023, 20. juuni 2023, inferred by common NCBI Taxon ID mappings on source and on Wikidata
  5. Barcode of Life Data Systems, 17. veebruar 2021
  6. NCBI Taxonomy, 20. juuli 2017
  7. Freebase Data Dumps, 28. oktoober 2013
  8. Elu entsüklopeedia, 14. november 2015
  9. IUCNi punane nimistu, 9. juuli 2016
  10. 10.48580/DFPX
  11. inferred from taxon name
  12. Overlooked but not forgotten: the first new extant species of Hawaiian land snail described in 60 years, Auriculella gagneorum sp. nov. (Achatinellidae, Auriculellinae), taxonomic treatment, 2AE53901-B5F9-5942-B966-5F7D8AB251FD
  13. 2410, 2. jaanuar 2023, The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2022.2