
Viimase kommentaari postitas Uku88 2 aasta eest teemas Arutelu.

Overall good and meaningful article, referencing could be done better. Mvahtramae (arutelu) 14. detsember 2021, kell 15:51 (EET)Vasta

I think you should check the grammar but overall it was clear and understandable.



20 asendamatut aminohapet* Perhaps mention something about its history, in general a good and an informative article. Uku88 (arutelu) 14. detsember 2021, kell 15:59 (EET)Vasta

20 aminohapet** Uku88 (arutelu) 14. detsember 2021, kell 16:14 (EET)Vasta
Naase leheküljele "Vadakuvalk".