
Läti vikis on lätikeelne nimi hoopis Tālivaldis. Andres 27. detsember 2008, kell 18:40 (UTC)

Tere, brothers! Maybe somebody can translate in estonian a poem about Tālivaldis and Beverīna castlea and put it in this article. I gess it will be interesting for estonians too. I`ll try to do it from latvian to english:

[Auseklis] "The singer of Beverina" (1876)

In the statel castle Beverina Tālivaldis rulled. His reputation was famous far away In all countries.

Estonians, brothers, came with animosity in Latvia: They kept on at his castle, Shooted sharp arrows on it.

The war storm, the war storm Will ruin the castle! Oak cudgels, fir cudgels Will crush the heros heads!

Very high at open window Vaidelotis shows up: With grizzled hairs, white beard, With war kokles in his hands.

The kokles ringed, The Old man was singing, The cudgels falled out From estonians hands;

The war drums falled in silence, The finnish bagpipes stopped to squeal.

The shield of songs beated back the arrows, The sound of songs dominated over the noise, The power of songs sended off the war, And the soul (spirit) of songs saved the people!

If You have some questions about corect translation - please write me here. The original text are here. --Riharcc 21. märts 2009, kell 16:57 (UTC)

I forgot one thing - term war kokles may has two meanings, because in latvian word vaids may has two meanings - the first is blood feud; vendetta (war) and the second is groan; moan. So now I think that corect translation will be kokles that sound sadly (in oposite case the war kokles sonds illogical in this context).--Riharcc 21. märts 2009, kell 17:34 (UTC)

Kirjaniku nimi on ilmselt valesti kirjutatud. Ma ei tea, kuidas õige on. Andres 13. märts 2010, kell 20:11 (UTC)

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