Arutelu:Maria Pia de Saxe-Coburgo-Gota Bragança

Siin artiklis on esiteks segamini kõik ajavormid, aga see on väike mure. Kuskil pole märgitud, et tegu oli trooninõudlejaga, kelle õigused troonile põhinesid peamiselt tema enda väidetel. Inglise vikist tema kohta artiklit lugedes näis mulle, et kiirkorras on siin raske midagi parandada - oleks vaja põhjalikku, süvendatud lähenemist. -- Toomas 26. mai 2008, kell 17:31 (UTC)

Peale kõige muu näib artikkel eitavat viimase Portugali kuninga Manuel II valitsemist aastail 1908–1910.

"von Saksi-Coburg-Gotha": nii ei saa öelda. Andres 27. mai 2008, kell 04:33 (UTC)

Muidugi ei saa. Kui ta üldse artiklit väärib, siis pealkirja all Hilda Toledano või Maria Pia de Saxe-Coburgo-Gota Bragança, nagu portugali vikipeedias.

H.R.H. Maria Pia von Saksi-Coburg-Gotha Bragança was the real name of the Duchess of Bragança. Hilda Toledano was just her literary pseudonym, not her baptismal name. She was the legitimate portuguese throne pretender by the Constitional Line - also known as House of Bragança-Wettin -, between 1910-1987, and had abdicated to her son H.R.H. Rosario I von Portugal. If you want read more information about it, please consult: article about the Royal House of Portugal.

Oleks minu teha, kustutaksin selle humoreski külma rahuga, samuti naljamees Rosario kohta käiva artikli. Mis selle isiku nimi oli? Kui olen õigesti aru saanud, nimetas ta end Maria Pia de Saxe-Coburgo-Gota Bragança, millise pealkirja all tuleks alustada uut artiklit. Praegune pealkiri on segu portugali, saksa ja eesti keelest.

Siin on Guy Stair Sainty artikli algus. Näib, et tema sünninimi oli ikkagi Hilda Toledano:

The late D. Maria Pia de Saxe-Coburg-Bragança (a name she assumed in adulthood) claimed to be the illegitimate daughter of King Carlos II of Portugal, and that she was de jure heiress to that throne. In making this claim, she and her supporters claimed that the line of Dom Miguel, represented today by H.R.H. Dom Duarte de Bragança, Duke of Bragança, is permanently excluded from the Portuguese succession. In actuality she was of modest Cuban birth, and named Hilda Toledano.

That's all lies on that website. Hilda de Toledano was just her literary pseudonym and the real name that she assumed in adulthood was D. Maria Pia de Saxe-Coburgo-Gotha Bragança (or Maria Pia von Saksi-Coburg-Gotha Bragança if you translate). Please read portuguese, spanish, french, etc., articles on Wikipédia and you can confirm that. Many websites have wrong information about the Princess because they spread all lies provenient of Miguelist Line (that was permanently excluded from the Portuguese succession). Only Maria Pia's heir can claim the Portuguese Throne. 13. juuni 2008, kell 01:40 (UTC)
Noh, aga kust nemad seda teavad? Andres 12. juuni 2008, kell 14:58 (UTC)
Minu jaoks Guy Stair Sainty on võrreldamatult usaldusväärsem kui mingi identiteedihäiretega vaimuhaige.
Andres, please consult: article about the truth of Royal House of Portugal. Thank you. 13. juuni 2008, kell 01:40 (UTC)

Minu kasutajalehelt:

Look, Andres, another proof: Sol Newspaper: Duarte Pio was judicially processed for fake of identity. Recently, Duarte Pio was processed because his false identity and his false claims as Duke of Bragança. The real Duke is Rosario von Saksi-Coburg-Gotha Bragança, the son of Princess Maria Pia. 13. juuni 2008, kell 01:50 (UTC)

Hello Andres, you should return the article "Maria Pia de Saxe-Coburgo-Gota Bragança" to Maria Pia von Saksi-Coburg-Gotha Bragança (translation of the name) because the article about Saksi-Coburg-Gotha dünastia. We should use always the same form to all names of the personalities from this dynastie. Thanls. 13. juuni 2008, kell 02:05 (UTC)

Viimati lisatud lipp ei ole "Royal House of Portugal lipp", vaid Portugali riigilipp aastail 1830–1910 (kuninga lipp oli samasugune, kuid sinise ja valge asemel ühevärviline punane). Hilda Toledanoga pole tal midagi ühist.

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