
(Ümber suunatud leheküljelt Arutelu:Disigma)
Viimase kommentaari postitas Andres 13 aasta eest teemas Explanations.

Mis tähendab "numbrilised teisend"? Andres 10. mai 2010, kell 10:24 (EEST)Vasta

Pole kindel, kas neid kahte "teisendit" võib ühe märgina käsitleda. --Metsavend 10. mai 2010, kell 12:47 (EEST)

Anonüümne kasutaja muutis tekstis sisalduvad märgid nii, et minu arvutites neid ei näita. Kas see on ainult minu probleem? Saksakeelse vikipeedia artiklis olevaid märke näitab korrektselt. --Metsavend 10. mai 2010, kell 12:47 (EEST)

Mul näitab kõiki märke. Andres 10. mai 2010, kell 13:03 (EEST)Vasta
Mina ka ei näe neid ühegi brauseriga. --Epp 10. mai 2010, kell 13:20 (EEST)Vasta
Mul sama mure, mis Metsavennal ja Epul.--WooteleF 10. mai 2010, kell 17:03 (EEST)Vasta
Kas mitte ei tule kõik fondid aktiveerida? Andres 10. mai 2010, kell 17:43 (EEST)Vasta

Pealkiri oli enne "sampii". Pealkirja muudeti, aga teksti ei muudetud, nii et praegune tekst ei kõlba. Andres 23. mai 2010, kell 08:15 (EEST)Vasta

Teksti muudetud: sampii>disigma 23. mai 2010, kell 12:04 (EEST)Vasta



Alphabetic-archaic variation=form used mainly to write Greek words

Numeric-modern variation=form used mainly to write Greek numbers

Font supporting all Greek characters, that must be enabled to see them, is available here: 22. mai 2010, kell 16:06 (EEST)Vasta

Siin oli enne nii:

vanakreeka ͳαμπι ja uuskreeka δίσίγμα

Anonüümne kasutaja muutis põhjendusega: o, sorry, that's factually wrong. It was never spelled "ͳαμπι", and "disigma" is neither its ancient nor its modern Greek name but an invention of western scholars

See kahe rõhumärgiga kirjutus on küll arusaamatu. Kreeks vikis on δίσιγμα ja see on artikli pealkiri. Olla uuskreekakeelne nimi ja üksiti lääne teadlaste leiutis ei ole minu meelest küll vastuoluline. Andres 15. september 2010, kell 09:08 (EEST)Vasta

Nii palju kui mina aru saan, on ka sampi hilisem nimetus, nii et küllap tal on õigus, et nii, nagu siin oli, pole seda kunagi kirjutatud. Andres 15. september 2010, kell 09:21 (EEST)Vasta

Minu meelest pole mingit põhjust keelata seda tähte nimetada disigmaks, kui seda eesti keeles nii nimetatakse. Andres 30. september 2010, kell 09:51 (EEST)Vasta

Teen ettepaneku kasutaja Future Perfect at Sunrise muudatused tagasi pöörata. Andres 30. september 2010, kell 09:53 (EEST)Vasta

Sorry I can only answer in English, and I can only figure out what you said through Google translator. – I have researched this a lot during the last weeks. What I said the other day wasn't quite correct: I now believe the name "disigma" is a phantom name. This name has only been promoted by Wikipedia. It was probably never used anywhere at all, or only by extremely few authors. I have found absolutely no evidence anywhere in the literature that anybody has ever used it.
This is how it happened: (1) on a website,, somebody (an amateur) said he thought it was once called "disigma" by 19th and early 20th century scholars. He cited no sources where it had been called like that. He then found out it was not called like that today. (2) then the author of a second website, [1], relied on and added "disigma" as an alternative name to his discussion of "sampi". He is normally very competent, but here I believe he probably just made a mistake. (3) then some editors at the English Wikipedia cited and treated "disigma" as an alternative name for "sampi". (4) then "Wikinger", a banned troll from en-wiki, had an "idée fixe" that "disigma" was the better or more correct name. He went to every Wikipedia, in all languages, and moved all articles to that title. That's why "disigma" now seems so common on Wikipedia. That's why I've had to follow him into all Wikipedias and clean up the mess.
The truth is that everywhere in the literature, in Greek, English, and all languages I've seen anybody writing about this letter, it is called "sampi", and nothing else. Try finding "disigma" on google books: [2]. Zero hits. Future Perfect at Sunrise 1. oktoober 2010, kell 00:02 (EEST)Vasta
Thank you. Andres 1. oktoober 2010, kell 00:29 (EEST)Vasta
Naase leheküljele "Sampii".