Arutelu:Corps Concordia Rigensis

Välja tõstetud:

Having to leave our hometown in 1939 and not being able to return to Riga because of the outcome of the World War II, we re-founded Concordia Rigensis in Hamburg in 1956. Hence Corps Concordia Rigensis zu Hamburg is the oldest (active) German-Baltic fraternity. We are members of both the Baltic Philister Association [B!Ph!V!] and the head organisation of German (fencing) fraternities [KSCV].

Our connection to Baltic States

During our years in Hamburg we never forgot our roots. Not only did we keep up the traditions of German Baltic fraternities -but after 1991 we have taken up a lot of contacts to Latvian and Estonian fraternities.

Since 1993 Estonian and Latvian fraternities and sororities and German-Baltic fraternities meet every year in one of the three countries to celebrate "Gesamtbaltischen Völkerkommers". Younger members of Corps Concordia Rigensis, particularly, like to take part in these celebrations and many a friendship has been made in Munich or Riga or will be made in Tartu or Hamburg.

Also,we are members of an initiative called "Brücke zum Baltikum" (Bridge to the Baltics)

Members of Corps Concordia Rigensis transported equipment and medicine to Latvia to help Latvian hospitals.

Andres 21. september 2007, kell 10:58 (UTC)

Some History

Corps Concordia Rigensis was founded in Riga on November 29th, 1869. At that time, Riga was a Hanseatic city with many Germans living there.

Riga Polytechnicum

Riga Polytechnicum (at 19 Raina boulevard) started its work on 14th October, 1862, as the first multi-branched technical university in tsarist Russia. It was founded after the model of Europe's most modern technical universities. As a private university it was supported by the Baltic nobility. In 1896 Riga Polytechnicum was restructured and became an official university of the Russian Empire - called "Riga Polytechnical Institute". During World War I the institute was evacuated to Moscow where it worked until 1918. In 1923 it was renamed Latvian University. Humanities, as well as technical and natural sciences were taught there. The new higher school included all former faculties of Riga Polytechnical Institute. In 1958, on the basis of Latvian State University, Riga Polytechnical Institute was re-established as an independent institution of higher education with 3000 students.Riga Polytechnical Institute received its present name - Riga Technical University on 19 March 1990.

As the university of Latvia - being still housed at 19 Raina Boulevard - considers the building of Riga Polytechnic its[the] symbol even nowadays both LU and RTU are our founders´ alma mater.

Having to leave our hometown in 1939 and not being able to return to Riga because of the outcome of the World War II, we re-founded Concordia Rigensis in Hamburg in 1956. Hence Corps Concordia Rigensis zu Hamburg is the oldest (active) German-Baltic fraternity. We are members of both the Baltic Philister Association [B!Ph!V!] and the head organisation of German (fencing) fraternities [KSCV].

Andres 25. oktoober 2007, kell 22:31 (UTC)

P!K! bija apvienotas 19 latviešu, 2 krievu un 6 vācu .korporācijas, 1932. gadā vācu korporācijas Curonia, Fr. Rigensis, Fr. Bāl Līča, Concordia Rigensis, Rubonia un Gotonia, atsakoties pakļauties P!K! lēmumam, ka turpmāk P!K! sanāksmēs jārunā tikai latviešu valodā, no P!K! ietajās un aizsedza savas krāsas. Zīmīgi, ka pēc 50 gadiem šis nacionālais moments zaudējis savu asumu, un Heidelbergā, pie tik daudz studentu dziesmās apdziedātās Nekāras, vācu un latviešu korporāciju kopējos komeršos skan ne tikai latviešu valoda, bet arī latviešu dziesma. P!K! 1939. gada II semestrī sastādītā korporācijas locekļu grāmatiņā uzrādītais aktīvo kopskaits ir 1861 un 230 komangarantu.

Andres 1. detsember 2007, kell 19:54 (UTC)

Korp! Concordia Rigensis Asutatud 1869 Riias Peale teisest maailmasõjast tingitud pausi jätkati tegevust 1956. aastal Hamburgis. Korp! Concordia Rigensis on hetkel üks vanimaid tegutsevaid baltisaksa tudengiorganisatsioone.

Andres 26. jaanuar 2008, kell 08:18 (UTC)

From the very beginning members of different nationalities have joined Corps Concordia Rigensis. This open-mindedness and tolerance has always been very important to us.

Andres 26. jaanuar 2008, kell 08:18 (UTC)

Välja tõstetud:


LU piedāvā>

Studentu un studenšu korporācijas

Studenšu korporācijas

    Sororitas Tatiana  

Studentu korporācijas

    Fraternitas Arctica  
    Fraternitas Lettica  
    Fraternitas Metropolitana  
    Fraternitas Academica  
    Fraternitas Lataviensis  
    Fraternitas Livonica  
    Fraternitas Cursica  
    Fraternitas Vanenica  
    Corps Concordia Rigensis~

--Jaan513 27. märts 2008, kell 17:37 (UTC)

Välja tõstetud välislink:

Põhjus: lehekülg ei anna üldse teavet tolle organisatsiooni kohta, seal on ainult link korporatsiooni Concordia Rigensis kodulehele. --Jaan513 18. juuli 2008, kell 11:13 (UTC)

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