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== Viited ==
<ref name="Priestley">{{cite journal|first = Joseph|last = Priestley|authorlink = Joseph Priestley|title = Observations on Different Kinds of Air|journal = Philosophical Transactions|volume = 62|issue = 0|year = 1772|pages = 147–264|url = http://web.lemoyne.edu/~GIUNTA/priestley.html|doi = 10.1098/rstl.1772.0021|last2 =Hey|first2 = Wm}}</ref>
<ref name="Davy">{{cite journal|first = Humphry|last = Davy|authorlink = Humphry Davy|title = On the Application of Liquids Formed by the Condensation of Gases as Mechanical Agents|journal = Philosophical Transactions|volume = 113|issue = 0|year = 1823|pages = 199–205|doi = 10.1098/rstl.1823.0020 |format=PDF}}</ref>
<ref name="g4X7m">Enting, I.G., 1987: Interannual variation in the seasonal cycle of carbon dioxide concentration at Mauna Loa. ''Journal of Geophysical Research'' 92:D5, 5497–5504</ref>
<ref name="Y4s6a">{{Netiviidecite news|Väljaandjapublisher=U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: |URLurl=http://www.epa.gov/ozone/snap/fire/co2/co2report.html |Pealkirititle=Carbon Dioxide as a Fire Suppressant: Examining the Risks}}</ref>
<ref name="Cm9kX">{{cite journal|title = Thilorier and the First Solidification of a "Permanent" Gas (1835)|last = Duane|first = H.D. Roller|journal = Isis |volume = 43|issue = 2|year = 1952|pages = 109–113|doi = 10.1086/349402|last2 = Thilorier|first2 = M.}}</ref>
<ref name="SmqoD">{{Cite book | last = Strassburger | first = Julius | title = Blast Furnace Theory and Practice | publisher = American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers | place = New York | year = 1969 | isbn = 0677104200}}</ref>
<ref name="XdsY6">UK Food Standards Agency: {{cite web |url=http://www.food.gov.uk/safereating/chemsafe/additivesbranch/enumberlist |title=Current EU approved additives and their E Numbers |accessdate=2011-10-27}}</ref>
<ref name="kv076">US Food and Drug Administration: [http://www.fda.gov/Food/IngredientsPackagingLabeling/FoodAdditivesIngredients/ucm091048.htm Food Additive Status List]</ref>
<ref name="DL7YL">Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code{{Netiviidecite web |URLurl=http://www.comlaw.gov.au/Details/F2011C00827 |Pealkirititle=Standard 1.2.4 – Labelling of ingredients |Kasutatudaccessdate=2011-10-27}}</ref>
<ref name="3ebng">Maarius Suviste, [http://www.ohtuleht.ee/687762/seakatk-voimutseb-paevaga-langes-ohvriks-kaks-farmi Seakatk võimutseb: päevaga langes ohvriks kaks farmi], 31. juuli 2015, veebiversioon (tarve 31.07.2015)</ref>