Biosemiootika: erinevus redaktsioonide vahel

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===Kirjutised biosemiootika määratlusest, piiritlusest ja meetoditest===
*[[Kalevi Kull|Kull, K.]] 2007. Life is many: On the methods of biosemiotics. – [[Günther Witzany|Witzany, G.]] (toim). ''Biosemiotics in Transdisciplinary Contexts''. Salzburg: Umweb, 193–202.
*[[Kalevi Kull|Kull, Kalevi]] 2007. [ Biosemiotics and biophysics — the fundamental approaches to the study of life]. – [[Marcello Barbieri|Barbieri, M.]] (toim.), ''Introduction to Biosemiotics: The New Biological Synthesis''. Berlin: Springer, 167–177.
*[[Marcello Barbieri|Barbieri, M.]] 2008. What is Biosemiotics? ''[[Biosemiotics]]'' 1(1): 1–3.
*[[Kalevi Kull|Kull, K.]]; [[Claus Emmeche|Emmeche, Claus]]; [[Donald Favareau|Favareau, Donald]] 2008. [ Biosemiotic Questions]. ''[[Biosemiotics]]'' 1(1): 41–55.
*Pain, Stephen 2008. Biosemiotics. ''Semiotix'' 12. [ vt]