Katusekattematerjal: erinevus redaktsioonide vahel

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Randelu (arutelu | kaastöö)
Uus lehekülg: '{{Kasutaja liivakast}} <!-- Kirjuta allapoole seda rida --> Roofing material is the outermost layer on the roof of a building, sometimes self-supporting, but generally supported...'
Randelu (arutelu | kaastöö)
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{{Kasutaja liivakast}}
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Katusematerjal on ehitise kõige välimine kiht katusel, mis kaitseb ehitist välismõjude eest. Katusematerjale on väga suur valik vastavalt vajadustele ja ehitise nõudmistele. Need katusematerjali tüübid, mis on poes müügil, varieeruvad naturaalsetest materjalidest, näiteks õlgkatus ja kiltkivi, kuni polükarbonaadist linadeni. Katusematerjalid võib panna vetthülgava materjali peale, mida kutsutakse aluskatteks. Ilmastikukindel materjal on kõige välimine või pealmine kiht, mis on avatud ilmastiku oludele. Väga palju materjale on kasutatud katuse tegemiseks.
Roofing material is the outermost layer on the roof of a building, sometimes self-supporting, but generally supported by an underlying structure. A building's roofing material provides shelter from the natural elements. The outer layer of a roof shows great variation dependent upon availability of material, and the nature of the supporting structure. Those types of roofing material which are commercially available range from natural products such as thatch and slate to commercially produced products such as tiles and polycarbonate sheeting. Roofing materials may be placed on top of a secondary water-resistant material called underlayment. Roofing is an Industry where you work on roofs. This Industry is a high risk industry due to the injuries that you can sustain in this job environment. Roofing is focus on the upper layer of a house or building. Roofing on a house is considered residential and building are commercial. Roofing on a government building you get paid pavilion wage.The weatherproofing material is the topmost or outermost layer, exposed to the weather. Many materials have been used as weatherproofing material:
Õlgkatus on katusematerjal, mis on tehtud õlgede kõrtest ja omavahel tihedalt kokku seotud.
Laastudest (sindel) katus on ehitatud mitmetest kattuvatest kihtidest, et tagada katuse ilmastikukindlus olenemata materjalist.
Puidust laastukatust tehakse tavaliselt seedri või haavapuust ja mille eluiga on ligi 30 aastat.
Erinevad sindel katusematerjalid:
Ruberoid sindel
Kummist sindel
Asbest sindel
Thatch is roofing made of plant stalks in overlapping layers
Wheat straw, widely used in England, France and other parts of Europe
Seagrass, used in coastal areas where there are estuaries such as Scotland. Has a longer life than straw. Claimed to have a life in excess of 60 years.
Rye straw, commonly used in a barn.
Raffia palm leaves:A well organised raffia palm leaves is mainly used as roof houses in Nigeria especially among the Igbos.
Rice straw, commonly used in Eastern Asia.
Water reed, commonly used in Ireland for Thatching.
Shingle is the generic term for a roofing material that is in many overlapping sections, regardless of the nature of the material.
Wood shingle, shingles sawn from bolts of wood such as red cedar which has a life expectancy of up to 30 years. However, young growth red cedar has a short life expectancy and high cost. Also in the eastern United States white cedar and some hardwoods which were very durable roofing found in Colonial Australian and American colonial architecture, its use is now limited to building restoration. All wood shingles benefit by being allowed to breathe (dry out from below).
Shake (shingle), Are different than wood shingles in that they are split on one side and sawed on the back side. Commonly referred to as "resawn Shakes". A cedar shake is NOT the same as a cedar shingle.[1]
Slate. High cost with a life expectancy of 80 to 400 years. See the article slate industry for an overview including names of quarries. Some of the famous quarries where the highest quality slate comes from that are available in Australia are Bethesda in Wales and areas of Spain.
Asphalt shingle made of bitumen embedded in an organic or fiberglass mat, usually covered with colored, man-made ceramic grit. Cheaper than slate or tiles. The reduced cost of this particular style of roofing is especially apparent in its application and removal. Installation is very streamlined and a rapid process.[2] Depending on the size of the roof and the experience of the crew, it is possible to remove old shingles and apply new ones on 2-3 houses in one day.[citation needed] Life span varies. Use only on slanted roofs.[3]
Rubber shingle, alternative to asphalt shingle, slate, shake or tile. Made primarily of rubber, often recycled tire-derived rubber. Other typical ingredients include binders, UV (ultraviolet light) inhibitors and color. Warranted and designed to last at least 50 years in most cases.
Asbestos shingles. Very long lifespan, fireproof and low cost but now rarely used because of health concerns.[4]
Stone slab. Heavy stone slabs (not to be confused with slate) 1–2 inches thick were formerly used as roofing tiles in some regions in England, the Alps, and Scandinavia. Stone slabs require a very heavyweight roof structure, but their weight makes them stormproof. An obsolete roofing material, now used commercially only for building restoration.
Collyweston stone slate