Enesetapp: erinevus redaktsioonide vahel

Eemaldatud sisu Lisatud sisu
94. rida:
* K. Raid. Enesetapmised Eestis. [[Politseileht]], 16. september 1939, nr 17, lk 392–396.
*[[John Donnelly]]. Suicide and Rationality. – [[John Donnelly]] (toim). ''Language, Metaphysics and Death'', Fordham University Press [[1978]].
*[[Tom Beauchamp]], [[James Childress]]. ''Principles of Biomedical Ethics'', 2. trükk, New York: Oxford University Press [[1983]].
*[[Tom Beauchamp|T. L. Beauchamp]]. Suicide. – T. Regan. ''Matters of Life and Death'', New York: McGraw-Hill [[1992]].
*[[Gavin Fairbairn]]. ''Contemplating Suicide: The Language and Ethics of Self-Harm'', London: Routledge [[1995]].
*D. M. Stoff, J. J. Mann. The Neurobiology of Suicide: From the Bench to the Clinic. – ''Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences'', [[1997]], 836.
106. rida ⟶ 108. rida:
*[[Thomas Joiner]]. ''Myths about Suicide'', Cambridge University Press [[2010]].
*[[Michael Cholbi]]. ''Suicide: The Philosophical Dimensions'', Peterborough, Ontario: Broadview [[2011]].
*[[Margaret Pabst Battin]] (toim). ''Ethics of Suicide: Historical Sources'', Oxford University Press [[2015]]. [https://books.google.ee/books?id=XZJZCgAAQBAJ&pg=PA411&lpg=PA411&dq=pliny+%22deus+non+sibi+potest%22&source=bl&ots=7ksA56CYIl&sig=y2zg54yrKw3QRgARbH25uE6b0ME&hl=et&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiSxpfF1ITOAhVpYJoKHV-ZA2wQ6AEIPDAG#v=onepage&q=pliny%20%22deus%20non%20sibi%20potest%22&f=true Google'i raamat]
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