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82. rida:
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<ref name="Richardson">{{cite journal | author = Richardson, Aaron O.; Palmer, Jeffrey D. | month = JanuaryJaanuar | year = 2007 | title = Horizontal Gene Transfer in Plants |journal = Journal of Experimental Botany | volume = 58 | pages = 1–9 |url=http://www.sdsc.edu/~shindyal/ejc121304.pdf |format=PDF | doi = 10.1093/jxb/erl148 | pmid = 17030541 | issue = 1}}</ref>
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<ref name="maloy">{{cite web|url=http://www.sci.sdsu.edu/~smaloy/MicrobialGenetics/topics/genetic-exchange/exchange/exchange.html|title=Horizontal Gene Transfer|author=Stanley Maloy|date=15. juuli 2002 |publisher=San Diego State University|accessdate=6. jaanuar 2012}}</ref>
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<ref name= FrancinoMP>{{cite book | author= Francino, MP (editor) | year=2012 | title=Horizontal Gene Transfer in Microorganisms | publisher=[[Caister Academic Press]] | isbn= 978-1-908230-10-2}}</ref>
<ref name="Hall">{{cite journal |author=Hall C, Brachat S, Dietrich FS |title=Contribution of Horizontal Gene Transfer to the Evolution of ''Saccharomyces cerevisiae'' |journal=Eukaryotic Cell |volume=4 |issue=6 |pages=1102–15 |year=2005 |month=JuneJuuni |pmid=15947202 |pmc=1151995 |doi=10.1128/EC.4.6.1102-1115.2005 |url=http://ec.asm.org/cgi/content/full/4/6/1102}} The article argues that horizontal transfer of bacterial DNA to ''Saccharomyces cerevisiae'' has occurred.</ref>
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<ref name="Kurtti">{{cite journal |author=Kurtti TJ, Mattila JT, Herron MJ, ''et al.'' |title=Transgene expression and silencing in a tick cell line: A model system for functional tick genomics |journal=Insect Biochem. Mol. Biol. |volume=38 |issue=10 |pages=963–8 |year=2008 |month=OctoberOktoober |pmid=18722527 |pmc=2581827 |doi=10.1016/j.ibmb.2008.07.008 |url=http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0965-1748(08)00132-X}}</ref>
<ref name="Lawton">Graham Lawton ''[http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg20126921.600-why-darwin-was-wrong-about-the-tree-of-life.html?page=1 Why Darwin was wrong about the tree of life]'' [[New Scientist]] Magazine issue 2692 21 January 2009 Accessed February 2009</ref>
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