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WhisperToMe (arutelu | kaastöö)
220. rida:
Kas oskaksid mulle seletada, mis vahe on transkribeerimisel ja translitereerimisel? --[[Kasutaja:Kanakukk|kanakukk]] 16. jaanuar 2012, kell 22:04 (EET).
:Transkriptsioon on meetod mingi keele helide yleskirjutamiseks. Transliteratsioon on meetod yhes keeles ja kirjas esitatu teisendamiseks teise kirja või keelde. Yleminek nende vahel on sujuv, kuna enamik transliteratsioone pyyab samuti mingil määral hääldust järgida. Lisaks kasutatakse sõna ''transliteratsioon'' vahel mõlema, nii kitsas tähenduses transliteratsiooni kui ka transkriptsiooni kohta, nii et segadust on palju. Meil oleks ilmselt mõistlik need kaks siiski lahus hoida. ([[:en:Transliteration]]: ''Transliteration is opposed to transcription, which specifically maps the sounds of one language to the best matching script of another language. Still, most systems of transliteration map the letters of the source script to letters pronounced similarly in the goal script, for some specific pair of source and goal language. If the relations between letters and sounds are similar in both languages, a transliteration may be (almost) the same as a transcription. In practice, there are also some mixed transliteration/transcription systems that transliterate a part of the original script and transcribe the rest.'' - ''The transliteration discussed above can be regarded as transliteration in the narrow sense. In a broader sense, the word transliteration may include both transliteration in the narrow sense and transcription.'') --[[Kasutaja:Oop|Oop]] 17. jaanuar 2012, kell 02:45 (EET)
==Another article request==
Hi, Oop! Do you have time to write another short article? I started a stub on the [[:en:Estonian Civil Aviation Authority]] - I believe its Estonian name is [[Lennuamet]].
Also, I'm trying to determine if the agency is responsible for investigation airliner disasters. Based on the chart at (Apparently they didn't upload the English version), does this agency investigate airliner disasters?
Thank you,
[[Kasutaja:WhisperToMe|WhisperToMe]] 17. jaanuar 2012, kell 09:31 (EET)