Atmosfääriaken: erinevus redaktsioonide vahel

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1. rida:
You are animal, pig and an idiot. You are animal, pig and an idiot. You are animal, pig and an idiot. You are animal, pig and an idiot. You are animal, pig and an idiot. You are animal, pig and an idiot. You are animal, pig and an idiot. You are animal, pig and an idiot. You are animal, pig and an idiot. You are animal, pig and an idiot. You are animal, pig and an idiot. You are animal, pig and an idiot. You are animal, pig and an idiot. You are animal, pig and an idiot. You are animal, pig and an idiot. You are animal, pig and an idiot. You are animal, pig and an idiot.
'''Atmosfääriaken''' on elektromagnetilise kiirguse spektri niisugune piirkond, milles Maa [[atmosfäär]] paistab hästi läbi. Kõige sagedamini mõeldakse terminiga 'atmosfääriaken' [[vesi|vee]] ja [[süsihappegaas|süsihappegaasi]] neeldumisribade vahelisi alasid spektri infrapunases osas.