Terrence Deacon: erinevus redaktsioonide vahel

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14. rida:
*Rethinking mammalian brain evolution. – ''Am Zool'', [[1990]], 30:629–705.
*Deacon, Terrence [[1997]]. ''[[The Symbolic Species]]''. London: Penguin.
*Deacon, Terrence 2003. Universal grammar and semiotic constraints. – [[Morten Christiansen|M.H. Christiansen]], [[Simon Kirby|S. Kirby]], (toim). ''Language Evolution: The States of the Art'', Oxford University Press, lk 111–139.
*What makes the human brain different? – ''Annu. Rev. Anthropol.'', [[1997]], 26:337-357.
*Heterochrony in brain evolution. – Parker et al. (toim). ''Biology, Brains, and Behavior'', SAR Press:[[2001]], lk 41-88.
*Deacon, Terrence [[2003]]. Universal grammar and semiotic constraints. – [[Morten Christiansen|M.H. Christiansen]], [[Simon Kirby|S. Kirby]], (toim). ''Language Evolution: The States of the Art'', Oxford University Press, lk 111–139.
*Deacon, Terrence 2006. The aesthetic faculty. – [[Mark Turner]] (toim). ''The Artful Mind''.
*Emergence: The Hole at the Wheel's Hub. – P. Clayton, P. Davies (toim). ''The Re-Emergence of Emergence: The Emergentist Hypothesis from Science to Religion'', Oxford University Press:[[2006]], ptk 5, lk 111–150.
*[http://www.univie.ac.at/Wissenschaftstheorie/srb/srb/10-3edit.html Editorial: Memes and Signs]. ''The Semiotic Review of Books'', 10(3).
*[[A role for relaxed selection in the evolution of the language capacity]]. – ''PNAS'', [[2010]], 107:9000-9006. [http://www.pnas.org/content/107/suppl.2/9000.full.pdf Veebiversioon] (pdf)